I am so dang happy for Kevin and Patricia. This is 9 years in the making! Gosh, and they’re so great. Throughout the day, I really picked up some fab things. I love love LOVE how Patricia hugs her friends and family…she always has that tender and caring hold on a person, and you can feel the warmth from across the room. Kevin, wow this dude has a whole lotta love to give. He really cares for Patricia and his people too. So awesome. Hah, at the end of the night he asked if we could hang…if I played cards or anything. Dude, I’ll learn whatever card game you play so we can hang. Yeah. They are both such strong people with a truckload of courage and perseverance.
The day was outstanding. Weather was perfect, people were SO much fun to hang with, and the night ended with everyone having a blast. Kevin and Patricia REALLY deserved a great day that they ended up having!! CONGRATS you guys!!!! I am pumped for you, and thank you for letting me be a part of your amazing day!
Stunning, RIGHT???
Yup, he was obviously blown away.
Uh yeah.
I was greeted with the bridal party ready to peel out. This is awesome.
This dude is RAD.
Probably one of the most heart warming pictures I’ve been privileged to capture.
Sadly, Kevin’s mom passed away before the wedding could take place. FORTUNATELY, she got a fanTASTIC view of the whole day. I know for a fact that she’s proud of how Kevin is as a person, and enjoyed the day as well. It is incredibly amazing that they were also able to include her in the wedding with her portrait placed in Patricia’s Bouquet. So really, she had all sorts of amazing angles to watch the day unfold.
This is what I call “making the best of it.” Cleaning up and dancing it up!!
Hahahaha I couldn’t help it…
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