Dane and Aubrie were so great to hang out with. Even though they’re not used to and not always looking to be the center of attention, they obviously do quite well.
Aubrie has been into taking care of herself in all sorts of competitions and events, hence the amazing and a half lat spread shot we got. I’m guessing that’s why her flowers were a little over 78 pounds, just in case she needed to keep a workout going throughout the day. She’s such a caring person, really making sure everyone else is enjoying their time and doing alright. You can really tell that was her intentions for this day (and of course to look AWESOME). I hope I get to see the picture of me and her someone took! That was so cool.
Now Dane…well, first off he is beyond jacked. Everytime I’ve seen him, he’s had a dress shirt on of some sort. So when he came out in short sleeves at the end of the night I was worried that I couldn’t fit in the room with his arms taking up some serious space. I had to be ready when I was around him, because he has the crazy awesome combination of being super hilarious, and perfect timing. So I had to catch his craziness right away. Aside from that, he’s a great match for Aubrie. I always love hearing stories when the bride is getting ready, because that’s when I can hear more about their relationship. They say they’re not some super romantic type couple, but there are really neat things about these two that are really touching. Just hear about Dane buying Aubrie some killer running sun glasses is just an example of the thoughtfulness of this guy. Really cool stuff.
And as anyone would say and assume, we are all excited to greet your fully six packed baby whenever that happens! Congrats Dane and Aubrie! Hopefully I’ll see and talk to you soon!
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